Welcome to the Center for Educational Improvement’s (CEI) School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators
S-CCATE assessments are uniquely designed for schools to guide teams of educators and whole school communities through the process of compassionate transformational change.
As you complete the S-CCATE survey, answer by rating each item with reference to your learning environment over the past several months, with consideration of both virtual and in-class instruction.

As you complete the S-CCATE survey, answer by rating each item with reference to your learning environment over the past several months, with consideration of both virtual and in-class instruction.
User Survey Instructions
School Sign Up Instructions
User Survey Instructions

Purpose and Use of S-CCATE
Use the S-CCATE for an initial assessment to guide discussion with others about school status, visions, planning, and implementation of plans for developing schools as Heart Centered Learning® communities. If you are interested in participating in the Compassionate Schools Leadership Academy (CSLA) feasibility study, more information can be found here.

Please contact Dr. Martha Staeheli (martha.staeheli@yale.edu) with any questions or for more information.